Where Guests can Get Discounts In Billings

Where Guests can Get Discounts In Billings
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Arielle Sanchez
August 11, 2017

When determining which hotels in downtown Billings MT to stay at, consider that when you staying at Dude Rancher Lodge, it means more than just affordable rates and quality service. When you stay at Dude Rancher Lodge, you’ll have access to discounts that are for those specifically staying at Dude Rancher Lodge! When you visit one of these locations, simply show them your room key and enjoy 10% off your purchase. The Billings Symphony has an all new musical season waiting for guests to enjoy. The 2017-2018 season offers a variety of performances to enjoy. The 67th season starts off with Montana’s very own Eric Funk’s Symphony No. 2 Montana along with Zoltan Kodaly’s Dances of Marosszek. Other performances throughout the season include a night of Tango, a night featuring Tchaikovsky’s No. 6 Pathetique and many more. Support the independent movie scene and stop by Art House Cinema & Pub. Currently, the theater has one screen that shows two different films each week. Each film is hand selected by staff that they believe will cause great conversation and thought. Enjoy the film with popcorn or grab a beer on tap. All proceeds go back to the city. If you’re looking for some adventure, book an exciting trip with Zip Line Tours. When you book a tour with this company, you’ll gain access to all 6 zip lines that are offered - not just one! Zip lines include the Little Dipper that is 350 ft long, the bobcat, that is 505 feet long, and the Tear Jerker that is 1000 ft long and you’ll reach speeds of over 40 miles per hour! Book your trip today.When you travel just 15 minutes away from downtown Billings, you’ll have access to guided horseback riding tours through Elk River Outfitters. On your tour through Southeast Montana, you’ll ride along scenic planes through Pryor Creek’s rolling hills, beautiful formation and of course, witness the beauty of Yellowstone Valley all while riding a horse.

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