When it comes to enjoying time outdoors, there’s nothing quite like what Montana can offer. From historical destinations to camping opportunities, there is so much to discover. One exciting opportunity that is unique is the Pryor Mountains wild horse range Montana, located south of Billings. When you stay at hotels in Billings, Montana, you’ll be in the biggest city in Montana and will be close to major destinations. When you venture to the Pryor Mountains, located outside of Lovell, Wyoming, you’ll find a band of wild horses that still roam the mountain range. The herd of horses is from Colonial Spanish American heritage making it a unique group of wild horses in America. These horses are derived from the horses of Portugal and Spain that initially came over during the European exploration of the Americas. It is believed that the horses ended up in the Pryor Mountain range by being brought to the area by various Native American tribes, especially the Crow. For nearly 200 years, the Pryor Mountain wild mustangs have thrived in the area. A visit to the Pryor Mountains not only allows for an excellent opportunity to view the natural beauty of Montana, but it also provides for an unforgetting experience of watching free-roaming mustangs in the wild. The Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center offers tours of the area so you can see these wild mustangs in their natural setting. The Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range was established in September of 1968 when local citizens fought against the Bureau of Land Management were planning on removing the herd from the area. Today, the range covers over 38,000 acres of land, giving plenty of opportunity and space for these wild horses to roam free. If you are looking for a unique experience that is located just south of Billings, be sure to make a trip out to the Pryor Mountains, and see these mustangs in their natural setting.